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In the midst of a global pandemic, the world has paused to show value and respect to People of Colour following the murder of George Floyd by an American Police Officer on the 25th of May 2020. The BlackLivesMatter movement has blown up on social media worldwide with people of all cultural backgrounds standing together to share education on an historical issue that has been faced in America and all over the world for as long as time. It is important to make room for POC to share their experiences and educate the rest of us about the problems they have faced in their lives and make us aware of the privilege we have as non-POC.

I myself am a white Australia female who has most definitely faced privilege throughout my life. I have been brought up in safe community, had access to excellent education which has led to accessing further education such as University, I have always had a roof over my head and food on the table, I have never walked through my neighbourhood feeling unsafe, I have been able to work since the age of 15 which has enabled me to afford a car and overseas travel. I'm acknowledging my privilege. Not all of these things were handed to me ‘because’ I am white, however I have benefited from living in Australia and having a ‘white’ upbringing. And I acknowledge that I will never understand the deep pain POC have faced in their lifetime.

I believe however, that this movement is greater than attacking those with ‘white privilege’. It’s about opening up a dialogue between whole communities, families, friends, individuals. Acknowledging that there is a gap in education and awareness for POC, their rights and their culture. It’s about each country recognising the issues they have and working towards overcoming the problems we have failed to acknowledge for so long. Here in Australia we have been working towards recognition for the indigenous land we live on and respecting the huge significance of Aborigional culture in Australia. We can do better.

Living in Australia, we see snippets of what is happening in America right now. We don’t see what the media don’t want us to see. We don't see the violence, the fear or the death. There is so much more going on. The brutality from the police towards anyone who is rioting or protesting, the brutality from individuals towards other individuals, the looting and the shooting. Hundreds of thousands of scared people. My heart aches for anyone and everyone going through pain and suffering in America right now, in any form. And all over the world.

This is above white vs black. I have seen so many people explain the issues at hand way better than I ever could. The one I resonate with the most accurately is; Everyone vs Racists. It’s up to us to educate ourselves. This goes beyond making a post on social media. It is our personal journey towards understanding and acknowledging the issues our world faces. Read books, watch movies, listen to podcasts, read posts written by POC, donate to charities. Share if you like, talk with friends, family, peers. Anything is a productive step towards change. You don’t have to do it all, look after yourself right now as well. Take a minute, a day, a week to reflect on the position of the world. It’s scary. It’s overwhelming. It’s real. And it’s happening. We decide what happens next.

Stay safe everyone. #blacklivesmatter


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